Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lunch at Twiggtown

I was invited to Bettyanne Twiggs for a luncheon for our homemakers and a couple friends. While we ladies ate and talked, Hitty gerty, Mrs Sags and Peggy Sue looked around. Bettyanne has many dolls living with her.

We sit here on top of this roombox a wondering what is inside of it.

Hitty Gerty says lets have a look Peggy Sue. Mrs Sags has already went to take a closer look.

This is the inside of the roombox. It is just beautiful.

Mrs Sags looks at the table and the food and dishes on it.There is even a pig with an apple in its mouth. Fantastic////

I would go in, says Peggy Sue, but looks a tad little for me.

Now this would be a kitchen that I would like. I bet my Mr. Sags would like all of these goodies. Oh my can hardly wait to see him.

We find a smaller roombox upstairs. They are decorting for Halloween, look inside box is a Christmas tree.

I bet Ms Linda would love this small doll. Ms Linda LOOKIEEEEEEEEEE/

I have heard of these. They are called jacks, I wonder if I could play them. Oh no we were told to look and no touching/

Hello, who are you. Hi my name is Hitty Gerty we are visiting/

This is our last doll we have seen. We have enjoyed our visit. Oh come on Gerty , and Peggy and Mrs Sags, Linda is saying it it time to go.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hitty Barb, Hitty Fung and Hope Pru go for a visit to see Chloe, Skylar and friends

Here we are in our tote to go visit with our Moms Great-granddaughters, Chloe and Skylar. Chloe has invited us up to see her barbie dollhouses and we are so excited.

Hi Hitty Fung, Hitty barb and Hope Pru, I am soo happy to have you come visit my Barbies and see there home, come on in. says Chloe.

Hitty Fung and Pru decide to get silly. Girls says Hitty Barb behave yourselves.

The barbie cheerleaders decide to show us what they can do. Bravo Bravo/ Bravo/

Oh my your home is just wonderful says Hitty Barb.

The girls go out to see the kitchen. This is a wonderful kitchen says Pru. One of Barbies pets comes in for a visit.

This is my baby sister, Skylar, says Chloe. Let me down, I want to see what you all are doing/

Hitty Barb loves this horse, I just wonder if I can take this one home with me she says. Hitty Fung thinks this horse is so pretty. Hitty Barb is taking a ride on the carriage and Pru tags along on the horse.

The carriage and the horses are so much fun, yippeeeeeeee/

Hitty Barb decides to take Hitty Fung for a ride. Do you have your license to drive Hitty Fung asks her? License, what license? Oh no says Hitty Fung/

Before we leave Choe wants us to see the sunflowers. She says these have ediable seeds. We climb up to get a closer look. You have to wait til they are done growing. They are so tall now we think.
Thanks Chloe for letting us visit your dolls and dollhouses, we had so much fun/

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How I came to be Becassine

I was started in 2007. I started out as a polish doll almost like the one here. Lindas hubby Randolph gently removed the head and replaced it with a round ball.

Linda sanded all the old stain from the body. Linda painted my whole body with flesh. Hey I even have shoes. She even put me a nice nose on. That is great cause now I can smell. i cannot see yet.

Oh Yippeeeeeee, now I can see. Hey I feel something on my head. I have no clothes but I have a hat.

It is Easter 2007 at Flintstone. I have no outfit of my own but Linda decided for Easter she will dres me in purple. I do not feel like Becassine not at all-I need my very own outfit. When will I ever get it. Linda says she will make me one-when i ask??? Soon/

I am here/

Now is july 2008 -- look at me I am undressed again-but wowwwwwwwwww I have stockings now. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Linda receives an envelope with red, green and black material in the mail. it is from a Hitty friend, kathleen. Wait isn't that the color that is in my outfit that I should be wearing. Maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Yippeeeeeeee Yahooey-I am Becassine, I am dressed asI should be.

Here I am aren't I just so Cool/

I even have an umbrella . Linda says a friend Kimberly sent it just for me.


Monday, June 30, 2008

Hitty Mickaela decides to see what kind of flowers are in the planter. they are minature pansies and they are just beautiful.

We meet some new friends inthe flower garden. Snow White and her dwarfs live among the flowers.

Mabel is soo hungary for some fresh grape jelly so she decides to climb in the grape harbor to see how much more time it will be till they are picked. oh my she says awhile yet before i can make some jelly.

The girls are looking over the orchard. There are apple trees, pear trees and peach trees in the orchard and each tree has fruit on them.

Ms. Hickory climbs up next to one of the apple trees to see what size the apples are. Ms linda picked some of these apples and made some delicious applesauce today.

There are green beans and also lima beans growing in the garden. The plants are all tall and green.

Mikaela decides to walk thru the corn patch. There is about 35 or more rows that are 100 feet long. that will be a lot of corn to eat and freeze for winter.

Mabel decides to move on into the rest of the garde. Oh my I wonder what is under these big leaves. it is a gree zuccini squash. it has a couple more days to grow before we can fry it and eat it. They are so delicious.

There ia a row with a lot of plants like these. Some are cabbage plants and the darker green ones are brocilli. They needed hoed and watered to grow real well.
Mikaela, shouts mabel what are you doiong. I am cimbing up this wall to see what is in here. That is not a wall , says Ms. Hickory, that is a tomato cage. Oh my there is tomatoes in here. They are green and some are getting red. I bet they will be good.

This is the beets and carrots and corn are right next to them.